March: RVP Bulletin

March 11, 2018 • Residential Resource • MARCH 2018 ISSUE | VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 3

Written By: Tim Wehner, MPM® RMP®

RVP Bulletin

Can you believe that we’re about to close down the first quarter of 2018? While January felt like it lasted an entire year, the rest of Q1 has blown by like a tumbleweed in Greg Doering’s cowboy hat.

If you’re anything like me (and I know you’re just as crazy since you’re in this business), you are wondering how we are already in March of this year and contemplating if the holidays ever really ended. Saying that, March is a great time to take a deep breath, sit down with your beverage of choice, and evaluate if you’re headed in the right direction for 2018. It’s the perfect time to check in on your goals because you are not so far into the year that you can’t change direction or modify your goals.

As chapter leaders or business leaders, your goals for the year should be clear to those around you and should be put somewhere that holds you and your team accountable to them. If this hasn’t been done at the chapter level, DON’T WORRY! You can still get this done now and have a positive impact on your chapter.

If you serve on a Board of Directors (BOD) that has not planned out 2018 or you aren’t clear on what your role is — call your chapter President right now and ask them to schedule a time with your group!

This doesn’t have to be scary or a burden. Do what the Oahu Chapter does and hold this meeting on a Saturday!

Use some chapter funds to get some food and drink for your BOD. (I prefer tacos and margaritas. You may prefer eggs and orange juice, but you get the picture.) No phones, no other work, just down to the objective of setting specific goals that help you deliver an awesome experience to your local chapter members.

Don’t forget that your chapter probably did some really awesome things in 2017 that you shouldn’t ignore. Every one of our local chapters held a NARPM Designation class in 2017. Instead of stopping there, why not try hosting another in 2018? Or maybe even two? Whatever you did in 2017, make sure it is a building block for 2018, and not just something your predecessors accomplished.

If you already set your goals for 2018, let’s make sure that you are on track to accomplish them. If you find you are off track, I have a few suggestions.

It is wildly important, whether you are a business leader, employee, or even a chapter leader, to set goals. We’ve all heard that goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound). But how many of us are making sure to share our goals with someone who will push us? Research shows you are 65% more likely to reach goals by simply writing them down. But did you know you can increase your odds of achievement to almost 95% if you have specific appointments with someone to hold you accountable to that written goal? Why not make your chapter BOD meetings your goal check-in points?

Remember, it only takes one afternoon of your life to get back on track or start your track personally or with your NARPM Chapter.

Oh, and make sure that one of your 2018 goals is for you to convince one other person in your life to Get Involved in NARPM®!

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Residential Resource: March 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 3

Copyright © 2024 National Association of Residential Property Managers®. All Rights Reserved. Do not reprint without permission.


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