Residential Resource Archives - National Association of Residential Property Managers

Residential Resource Archives

Have you missed an issue of the Residential Resource? Are you searching for a particular subject? Download a copy of it below by selecting the issue from the drop down box and then clicking the download button. This selection represents issues more than one year old from current month (1989-2023).  The past year issues are available to NARPM® Members only through Member log-in. Print copies may still be available through NARPM® National.

Copyright © National Association of Residential Property Managers. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced or translated without written permission. Email for reprint permission. Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers, staff or Members of NARPM®. Any legal matters or advice mentioned herein should be discussed with an attorney, accountant or other professional before use in a particular State or situation. NARPM® does not endorse any advertisement in this publication. All readers are responsible for their own investigation and use of the products advertised.

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