Code of Ethics - National Association of Residential Property Managers

Code of Ethics

Adhering to a professional Code of Ethics helps companies and individuals build relationships of trust with their customers, employees, suppliers, owners and the communities in which they work.

Ethical Issues Have Become More Complicated

The need to adhere to increasingly complex government regulations and the litigious nature of our society has changed how property managers view their profession.

Public Trust in Fair Business Has Diminished

It has become a common occurrence to hear the details of corporate scandals in the media. Now more than ever, it is crucially important for property management professionals to obtain the validation that comes from belonging to an organization that has set a high standard of conduct for its members.

Our Code of Ethics

It is well known that NARPM® promotes a high standard of business ethics, professionalism and fair housing practices. Click here to view the NARPM® Code of Ethics & Standards of Professionalism, were formalized and adopted In 1994 at the New Orleans Convention, and have been amended several times since,

Trouble with a Property Manager?

If the property manager is a member of NARPM®, we will investigate your claims after you submit a completed Ethics Complaint against the member. We can’t guarantee our effectiveness in resolving your issue, but we will make contact with the offending company.

Amended Article 9 and Standards of Professionalism:


The Property Manager shall not knowingly or recklessly make false or misleading statements about other property managers or their business practices, or otherwise attempt to take business from other property managers by deceptive means.


  • 9-1  The Property Manager shall conduct dealings with other property managers in an honest and professional manner and shall not knowingly engage in any practice or take any action against a property manager in an un-businesslike manner.
  • 9-2     The Property Manager shall not knowingly interfere with other property managers’ contract rights with their Clients, including by inducing other property managers’ Clients to breach their agreements. This does not preclude the Property Manager from otherwise soliciting potential Clients, such as for services to be provided upon the expiration or termination of agreements with other property managers or making general announcements about the Property Manager’s own services. For purposes of this Code, a general announcement may be defined as a general telephone canvass or a general mailing or distribution addressed to all prospects in a given geographical area or in a specific profession, business, club, organization, or other classification or group. This Code does not restrict fair and reasonable competition among property managers.
  • 9-3    In the event of a controversy or dispute with a property manager at a different Firm, the Property Manager shall use best efforts to resolve the dispute prior to litigation.
  • 9-4    The Property Manager shall not obtain or use the proprietary materials or work of a competing management Firm without the express written permission of that Firm.
  • 9-5  The Property Manager shall cooperate with other property managers when it is in the best interests of the Client or Tenant to do so.

NARPM® Antitrust Statement

It is the policy of the NARPM® to comply fully with all antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit, among other things, any joint conduct among competitors that could lessen competition in the marketplace. NARPM®’s membership is composed of competitors; they must refrain from discussing competitively sensitive topics, including those related to pricing (such as rates, fees, or costs), individual competitors or specific business transactions, or controlling or allocating markets. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to solicit competitors’ clients. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to advertise for business, provided the advertising is not false, deceptive or otherwise illegal.

Click Here to view the NARPM® Antitrust Policy
