Women’s Council of Property Managers - National Association of Residential Property Managers

Women’s Council of Property Managers


Helping NARPM members with managing work and personal growth is one of the purposes of the new NARPM® Women’s Council of Property Managers. Members of the Council are property managers who are committed to the mission of developing female leaders in the property management profession.

What Are We About?

The purpose of this council is to cultivate strong leadership skills in women, helping them excel as business professionals, public speakers, and community leaders in the real estate and property management sectors. While our focus is primarily on women’s development, we also welcome men to join our trainings, webinars, and breakout sessions led by women to gain valuable insights for working with female colleagues in their businesses.

The changing landscape of property management operations calls for embracing the unique qualities that women bring to the table. This is not a matter of gender, but rather an opportunity for both men and women to connect and enhance the industry together. Through these connections, we can elevate the field of property management, which is the ultimate goal of NARPM® and its members.

Women often have limited role models and mentors, leading them to conform to traditional leadership models that may not highlight their individual strengths. We believe in nurturing those who are ready to step into positions where they can utilize their innate leadership abilities.

Our Leadership:

Misty Berger
2025 Council Chair
Misty Berger,MPM® RMP®

2025 Council Vice Chair
Maranda Hunnicutt, RMP®
Ashley Andreoni Romo
2025 Immediate Past Council Chair
Ashley Andreoni-Romo


Council Members:
Jessica Bellai
Donna Fields
Corinne Freeman
Melanie Lopez, RMP®
Sherkica Miller-McIntyre, MPM® RMP®
Keana Nunes
Courtney Parks, RMP®
Kelli Segretto, CPM®
Alexis White