(It's Virtual) - Advanced Risk Management (Part 1 & 2) - National Association of Residential Property Managers

Private: (It’s Virtual) – Advanced Risk Management (Part 1 & 2)

Time: 12pm - 3pm EASTERN

Begin Date: June 20, 2023
End Date: June 21, 2023

Location: Virtual

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Please note that this class is now virtual. Part 1 will be held on June 20 and Part 2 will be held on June 21.

Time: 12pm – 3pm EASTERN
Check the time zone converter for the time in your location.

The course is designed for the owner, leader, or executive of the property management company. There are discussions pertaining to managing risk, understanding laws that affect the real estate manager, items of importance that should be in a policy and procedures manual, how one can structure their business in order to negate some liability, and preparing for a legal situation when necessary. Learn more…

Instructor: Liz Cleyman, MPM® RMP®

If you have questions about Education Classes
Please contact educationinfo@narpm.org

Note: You must have video (web cam) and audio capabilities to take this course.

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